Demo Days

What are Demo Days?

The Shell StartUp Engine Demo Days are curated events to showcase the cohort start-ups to the wider industry and support the startups to build new connections with investors, corporates and partners.
Demo Days are a cornerstone element of Shell StartUp Engine programmes and have been delivered both online and in-person to thousands of audience members around the world. Learn more about past Demo Days below.

Click here to learn more about the Shell StartUp Engine programme.


The latest Demo Days

Explore the highlights from some of the most recent Shell StartUp Engine Demo Days.

Brazil 2023

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Singapore 2023

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UAE 2023

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Brazil 2022

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Hear from our start-up founders about their experiences at Demo Day.

Tulika Raj

"Our demo day experience was fantastic. We made so many connections and even met an investor that joined our Seed Round fundraise."

Tulika Raj

CEO & Co-founder, SunGreenH2


Register your interest for our upcoming demo days

Enter your details and we will keep you updated on the upcoming Demo Days.



Visit all past Demo Days

Explore all our past events below.

SG23 2023

UK23 2023

UAE23 2023