Vortec Group

Vortec Group

Intelligent Energy Storage System and Fast Electron Transfer Charge-n-Go solutions.

Company Details

Singapore, Singapore

Management Team

Choo Fook Hoong avatar

Choo Fook Hoong

Founder & CEO

Lim Horng Leong avatar

Lim Horng Leong


    Dr Loh Wai Kuan avatar

    Dr Loh Wai Kuan


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    About Vortec Group

    The problem we're solving:

    The increasing push for Electric Vehicles (EVs) uncovers challenges on infrastructure costs, sustainability and operation safety. EV users need more energy from the grid to power their vehicles and grapple with range anxiety.

    Our solution:

    Vortec is innovating to support EV adoption and a sustainable charging infrastructure with our intelligent Energy Storage System (i-ESS) and Fast Electron Transfer (FET) Charge-n-Go solutions. Our innovations aim to overcome EV range anxiety, while maximizing the existing power grid infrastructure sustainably.

    Our differentiator:

    Our biggest achievement:

    Supported by Temasek Foundation. Currently the best selling bladeless ceiling fan in Singapore.