H2GO Power

H2GO Power

Developing and delivering hydrogen energy storage technology for zero-emission, safe and reliable power supply.

Company Details

London, United Kingdom
USD $5M+

Management Team

Enass Abo-Hamed avatar

Enass Abo-Hamed

Co-Founder and CEO

Luke Sperrin avatar

Luke Sperrin

Co-Founder & CTO

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About H2GO Power

The problem we're solving:

Access to reliable electricity is often not possible, either grid extensions are too expensive or diesel is too costly to use and transport.

Our solution:

H2GO Power is a pioneering clean tech company, enabling clean, reliable and scalable energy storage for a wide range of commercial, industrial and residential applications. H2GO Power’s technology enables it to develop and sell hydrogen energy storage systems for UAVs/Drones and “Plug & Play” stationary power units at large scale. Safe, solid-state proprietary technology eliminates the need for pressurizing hydrogen and unlocks significant commercial opportunities.

Our differentiator:

Recently in 2022, H2GO Power raised £4,300,000 as a grant from UK government.