Dendra Systems

Dendra Systems

Using drones to plant 1 billion trees per year to tackle industrial-scale deforestation.

Company Details

Oxford, United Kingdom
USD $5M+

Management Team

Susan Graham avatar

Susan Graham

Co-Founder and CEO

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About Dendra Systems

The problem we're solving:

There is currently over 2 billion hectares of degraded land. The rate of land degradation today is higher than the rate of land restoration.

Our solution:

Dendra Systems works with mature, regulated industries that already pay to restore native ecosystems and provide full stack ecosystem management, from ultra-high resolution monitoring to detailed environmental reporting and aerial seeding. Dendra Systems disrupts legacy practices with proprietary data and analytics and aerial drone planting which scales operations, improves outcomes, reduces costs, and helps quantify improvements.

Our differentiator:

They have received many awards including the AAUS - Australian Association for Uncrewed Systems Social Impact award, presented at COP26, and joined the World Economic Forum's Technology Pioneers cohort of 2022.