

Providing mobile power and internet in the off-grid world to help the next billion people get and stay connected.

Company Details

London, United Kingdom
USD $5M+

Management Team

Daniel Becerra avatar

Daniel Becerra

Co-Founder & CEO

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About BuffaloGrid

The problem we're solving:

Many people in the world remain without access to the internet, due to a lack of infrastructure or high costs.

Our solution:

BuffaloGrid is a mobile power and internet service for the off-grid world, using solar energy, innovative technology, and a cashless payment system to provide end-to-end accountability and power where it’s needed most. Cashless payments help reduce corruption in the system, while billing and promotion become possible through BuffaloGrid’s transparent virtual payment system. The service is locally run by our network of agents who dispense power to their communities, receiving a percentage of each charge as income in return.

Our differentiator:

Raised £1M via crowdfunding in 2021, and secured partnerships to distribute their products to support displaced communities in Kenya and Uganda.