Bramble Energy

Bramble Energy

Powering the net zero future with printed circuit board hydrogen fuel cells.

Company Details

Crawley, United Kingdom
USD $5M+

Management Team

Vidal Bharath avatar

Vidal Bharath


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About Bramble Energy

The problem we're solving:

Solving perhaps the greatest barriers to the adoption of fuel cells; manufacturing complexity and scale-up.

Our solution:

The only fuel cell company with the manufacturing capacity to supply gigawatts of fuel cell hardware, Bramble Energy has developed the unique, printed circuit board (PCB) fuel cell - the PCBFC™. The PCBFC utilises cost effective production methods and materials to reduce the cost and complexity of manufacturing proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). Bramble Energy’s novel fuel cell construction allows for the creation of bespoke, adaptable form factor, low-cost hydrogen fuel cells.

Our differentiator:

In February 2022 Bramble Energy finished raising a £35M Series B funding round along 5 investors.