Alp Technologies

Alp Technologies

Combining modular design with renewable energy production intended for the masses.

Company Details

London, United Kingdom

Management Team

James Kong avatar

James Kong

Director and Founder

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About Alp Technologies

The problem we're solving:

They aim to leapfrog fossil-fuel based energy infrastructure in developing nations, using renewable energy based on local, circular economy principles.

Our solution:

Alp Technologies is a renewable energy engineering start-up, developing renewable energy technologies for low-income countries and clients, like Mercedes, NASA, and Airbus. Since 2015, Alp has funded a variety of R&D projects. Derived from an independent modular working unit concept, Alp Technologies allows for the manufacturing of industrial specialised units at a decent cost. Currently, they’re working on the world’s lowest cost modular battery system for off-grid, stationary energy storage.

Our differentiator:

The Alp Technologies team is growing significantly, going from 8 to 14 emplpoyees in 6 months and still hiring.