AirEx Technologies

AirEx Technologies

Bridging the analog and digital divide for smart ventilation control.

Company Details

London, United Kingdom
USD $501K-$1M

Management Team

Agnes Czako avatar

Agnes Czako

Co-Founder & Managing Director

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About AirEx Technologies

The problem we're solving:

Tens of millions of homes across Europe were built with low energy standards. Residents struggle with cold, uncomfortable draughts and high energy bills.

Our solution:

AirEx provides extremely low-cost solutions for reducing fabric heat loss, improving thermal comfort, and protecting residents’ health by passive airflow control. AirEx replaces traditional air bricks, which causes significant fabric heat loss. AirEx’s Smart Ventilation Control (SVC) measures the environmental conditions and its cloud-based algorithms automatically regulate airflow, leading to 12-16% reduction heat loss.

Our differentiator:

Supported by Barclays' Sustainable Impact Capital. Floorvent system has been recognised in SAP Appendix Q. This means that installing AirEx can lead to a 2-5 point increase in a home's EPC rating.