Startup Profile


London, United Kingdom

We forecast EV charging demand to support new infrastructure deployment.

Company Details

Investment Deck

The Problem:

The electric vehicle infrastructure is rapidly growing, and market dynamics are becoming complex. In this fast-changing landscape making smart investment investment and operation decisions will depend on automated expert data intelligence. The emerging charging infrastructure should be cost-effective, reliable, resilience and convenient. Current decision making cycle is too clunky for large scale station deployment.

The Solution:

We develop an advanced intelligent forecast engine. It uses machine learning technology and other software systems to generate forecasts on upcoming EV charging demand (hours ahead and long-term). Using our cloud-based software solution, our customers can access automated and high-quality placement and operation decisions for charging supply.

The Differentiator:

What we offer uniqely is a fast, automated, and cheaper way to identify suitable locations to deploy new charging stations. Our technology is our USP and we are developing benchmarking metrics on our forecasts, so that we can show our customers objectively and transparently how our forecasting technology is much superior.

Biggest Achievement:

We won the Hackathon in November 2022 on delivering AI solutions for public charging network optimisation. We secured over £250k equity-free grant funding and we successfully engaged with our first commercial customer last week!

Programme themes:

EV charging

Team members:

Oytun Babacan
